
If you are wondering what is happening at this year’s Anime North Halloween Event, we now have the full schedule online on the event page.



Don’t forget that it’s this Friday, October 27 at the JCCC, doors open at 6PM



Hello everyone, we regret to inform you that there was an issue with the application form for the AN Halloween 2023 Nominoichi and everyone will need to apply again. In light of this occurrence, tables will now be decided by lottery instead of first come first serve.

The application will be open for a two hour window from 9 - 11PM EST tomorrow, Friday October 20th. You will be contacted within 24 hours to confirm your table status.

Thank you for your understanding and continued interest in the AN Halloween 2023 Nominoichi!

The Form can be found here!

Edit: all of the tables for the Halloween Nominoichi are now reserved. Thank you for everyone's interest and hope to see you there.

Applications are now open for tables at the Anime North Halloween Event Nominoichi. Each spot is $20 and includes a 6ft table and seats for 2 sellers. Please remember that the Halloween Nominoichi follows the general Nomi guidelines. To apply, please go to <removed>.

This year’s AN Halloween Event is taking place at the JCCC on Friday, October 27 with door opening at 6 PM.

This coming Saturday, August 19 and Sunday, August 20, Mississauga Celebration Square will play host to Japan Festival CANADA. Join us at our booth all weekend where we will be happy to answer your questions and don’t forget to stay for Anime North LIVE! Watch as we showcase some of the events that take place during our annual convention, on stage Saturday, August 19 at 7PM.