Gallery Momiji

いらっしゃいませ~!ギャラリー紅葉へようこそ! • Welcome to Gallery Momiji!

Back for its 28th sensational year!
Registration is now OPEN! Please register here!

Don't feel like sitting at a table all weekend? Want to have your 2D and 3D art sold for you while you enjoy the convention? Then come and join the fun at Gallery Momiji! We specialize in displaying and selling all forms of artistic media from art contest winners, amateur creators, and professional artists. These are partnered with beautiful exhibits of kimono and other special Japanese treasures.

Information for Artists

Gallery Registration

We wish to welcome every one to a new year at Gallery Momiji. If you are returning or wish to participate for the first time in registering with the gallery, please read the FAQ before you register. Remember to have all necessary information ready for when you first apply so that your application can be processes smoothly. The longer you wait the less likely you will be able to reserve a spot for you art work.

For registered artists: Changes will no longer be accepted after May 1st. If a change must be made a $10 fee per submission will apply. NO EXCEPTIONS. 

*PLEASE NOTE Gallery Momiji will be taking a 15% commission on all sales in the Gallery.* 

Fees: Fees are for space only and do NOT include admission to the convention.
You may reserve no more than 2 full units (panels or tables) per artist.
Reserve early since space is allotted on a first reserved & paid basis.
Panels AND/OR Tables Prices
Full Panel 5.6' x 6.25'
(68" x 75")
Full Table 6' x 2'
(72" x 24")
$50.00 CND/USD
$60.00 after March 31st
Half Panel 5.5' x 3.1'
(66.6" x 37.3")
Half Table 3' x 2'
(36" x 24")
$30.00 CND/USD
$35.00 after March 31st

If using E-Transfer please wait for an invoice to be sent to you.
Registration forms must be submitted no later than March 31st, 2025
to qualify for the reduced price!

Gallery Sales
  • All entries must be your own composition on an anime theme (or in an anime/manga style) in any medium, including photography. Works based on other, related themes (i.e., Asian, fantasy, sci-fi, steampunk, video game) are also generally permitted. AI artwork is NOT permitted.
  • A straight 15% commission is charged on all Gallery sales.
  • 3D pieces assembled from commercial kits or patterns may not be displayed.
  • All artwork must be in good condition & properly mounted in protective materials (i.e. matting, mounting board or plastic sleeves). Please no glass!
  • Our panels are brand new steel sets for 2019 that are a classic grid design. Your artwork will hang from the metal grids with bulldog clips, which we provide. If your artwork can't be clamped with a standard bulldog clip, you must provide secure mounting hardware compatible with our panels. If you are interesting in checking out what the panels look like then please click here. If you intend to hang a business card holder, keep in mind that it must not interfere with artwork or bid sheets; Gallery staff will not be responsible for supplying or replenishing business cards or flyers.
  • Tables are recommended for the display and sale of 3D artwork.
  • All artwork must have a unique title for positive identification; "Untitled #1" is not acceptable.
  • One copy of a signed, limited-edition print may be hung with original art and sold in the usual method (written/voice bids), provided that no other copies of that print are offered anywhere else at the convention.
Gallery Store
  • Artists displaying in Gallery Momiji may also sell multiple copies of a print through the Gallery Store at a fixed sale price.
  • A straight 15% commission is charged on Gallery Store sales.
  • Indicate on the reservation form how many different prints (not the total quantity) you plan to sell through the Gallery Store. You will be sent special Gallery Store control sheets.
  • Unmatted and matted copies of the same image are, for Gallery Store purposes, counted as two titles.
  • Two sizes of the same image are, for Gallery Store purposes, counted as two titles.
  • Please provide envelopes to protect unmatted prints.
  • Each unique item will require a display copy measuring NO LARGER THAN 8.5" x 11". Different versions of the same image may share one display copy, at the artist's discretion. If you wish to sell prints that are larger than 8.5" x 11" then you are required to provide your own binder or portfolio for display purposes.
  • Your Art work will be stored in a hanging file, as well as one display copy in our display binders.
  • Artists must provide all prints that are to be sold through the Gallery Store. Artists must also verify that all prints are accounted for prior to the completion of their check-in. If you waive this process, the Gallery will not be held responsible for discrepancies.
General Rules
  • Once entered by the artist or agent, artwork may not be withdrawn from Gallery Momiji for private sale, nor may the minimum bid or quick sale price be changed. In addition, more artwork may not be added once your setup is complete.
  • Gallery Momiji will be located in Hall E of the Toronto Congress Centre. we will have some one at the entrance to the area to guide you to the Gallery. You may begin to hang your art at approximately 2:00 pm on Friday, and continue until 5:00 pm. The show will open for viewing at 5:00 p.m. Bidding and quick sales also begins at this time.
  • Please notify the Gallery Curator if you will be arriving after 5:00 pm on Friday. If notice is not given, then you may not be permitted to check in and hang your art until 10 a.m. on Saturday. If you must withdraw from the Gallery, then reserved space may be resold. Refunds will be given only for space we are able to resell. If you withdraw after May 1st without a suitable reason you will be placed on a one year blacklist.
  • If you are sending your art with a friend, then please provide a letter authorizing him or her to act as your agent and please specify to whom payment should be made. Artwork without written authorization will not be allowed in the Gallery. If you cannot reclaim your own artwork at the end of the convention, you will need to make arrangements for an agent to pick up any unsold pieces and your payment on your behalf. All agents must have a valid convention membership.
  • All artwork must be in good condition and properly mounted in protective materials (i.e.: matting, mounting board or plastic sleeves). It is the artist's responsibility to take every reasonable step to ensure their artwork will not be damaged by setup or teardown of the displays. The Art Show will no longer provide protective materials such as plastic sleeves. Aside from the hooks and clips provided by Gallery Momiji, you are welcome to mount your display in whatever manner you choose, provided that your artwork will be held securely over the course of the weekend, and that it will pose no risk of damage to your own display, that of others, or convention attendees. If artwork has been put on display without proper protection, Gallery Momiji staff will remove it and the panel fee will not be refunded.
  • Anime North is a family-oriented convention. For this reason, artwork with explicitly sexual or otherwise offensive content will not be displayed openly in the gallery. If you have 18+ art you would like to sell through Gallery Momiji or the Gallery Store, please make note of this on your control sheets so that it can be properly displayed in the 18+ section of the Gallery. Any 18+ art sold through the Gallery Store must be in its own binder or portfolio provided by the artist.
  • Artist checkout is Sunday, between 3:00 and 5:00 pm. We will pay artists via cheque. We will not be responsible for artwork that has not been picked up by the artist or agent by 5:00 pm on Sunday unless prior arrangements have been made (i.e.: mail-in art). All art left after 5:00pm on Sunday will become the property of Anime North.
  • Gallery display spaces are occupied at the discretion of the Gallery Curator (Art Show Director). Anime North reserves the right to refuse sale of gallery panel or table space.
  • The display and sale of fan art of the following properties is prohibited at Anime North: Disney (including live-action properties, such as Pirates of the Caribbean), Homestuck, Marvel, The Muppets, Reboot, and Star Wars. Artwork that is found to be in contravention of this policy will be removed.
  • Each artist is to be individually registered for their own display space, and display spaces are to be held by single artists only. If your display includes any collaborative work, a signed letter of authorization must be provided by any other artists involved, as if you were their agent (see General Rule #4, above).
Art Sales & Auction
  • Art will be auctioned on Sunday afternoon. Art with four (4) bids or more will go to auction. Art with one bid is sold to that bidder; art with 2 bids goes to the second bidder. Art with no bids may be sold at minimum bid on Sunday, unless the artist checks "No Sunday Sale" on the bid sheet.
  • Please be realistic with your minimum bids. All bids are in whole Canadian dollars. Do not put less than you will accept for the item, expecting it to be bid up. Remember, a single bid means the art sells for that price. Pieces that go to live auction but receive no additional bids will be considered to be sold to the highest silent auction bidder.
  • There will be a Quick Sale option for buyers. If there are no bids on the piece, it may be purchased immediately for the price you set (we recommend at least higher than the minimum bid). The piece will be sold and removed immedtiately by the buyer. If you do not wish to use this option, please put N/A in that space on your control sheet.
  • If an attendee has registered as a bidder in the Art Auction and places a silent auction bid on a piece, but is unable to pick up their purchase on Sunday (i.e., he/she has registered to attend on Saturday only), then arrangements may be made at the discretion of the Gallery Director to purchase the artwork immediately after the close of Gallery Momiji on Saturday night. Otherwise, the bidder may appoint a proxy to pick up and pay for the purchased artwork on Sunday by giving them a note of authorization and the bidder paddle registered in the name of the purchaser.
  • If a piece of art that has been bid on goes to the live auction on Sunday afternoon but the bidder cannot attend (again, in the case that the individual is attending the convention on Saturday only), then they may appoint a proxy to bid on their behalf by giving them a note of authorization and the buyer's bidder paddle.
  • In either of these cases, buyers are asked to notify the Gallery Momiji Curator at their earliest convenience.
  • If a winner fails to remit payment for a piece won at auction, then their contact information may be given to the artist so that they can arrange for payment and shipping of the item.
Shipping Your Art
If you cannot personally attend or have someone bring your art to the convention, you may arrange to ship your art to the Gallery. We prefer shipment via tracked mail. Please include a cheque for the return shipping fee (equivalent to the cost of shipping your art to the Gallery). Any unused portion of this shipping advance will be refunded. Please use a returnable package. Include a return shipping label, suggested layout, and the return shipping fee (made payable to "Anime North") in a separate envelope inside your package.

US Artists: Customs paperwork will be your own responsibility. Please check with your carrier regarding handling and costs of customs and/or brokers fees. We recommend the Postal Service or FedEx. Sales tax is not collected on purchased artwork at this show, so please price your pieces accordingly. If you have questions or concerns contact Justine Sobocan at [email protected].

Remember to allow ample time for shipping so that your art arrives no later than Monday, May 1st, 2025.

Ship to:
Gallery Momiji @ Anime North
c/o Justine Sobocan
31 Cloke Court
Hamilton, ON
L8T 1N4
Hours of Operation
Artists' Check-In and Setup: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Open to Public: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Open to Public: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Open to Public: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (for viewing and sales pickup)
Art Auction: 12:00 pm
Artists' Pickup: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Artists who intend to arrive late Friday night or early Saturday morning must notify the Gallery Curator in advance to make arrangements for a late check-in. If unexpectedly delayed en route to the convention, please call the Gallery Curator and leave a message. If notice of withdrawal is given in advance, reserved space may be resold. In all cases, refunds will be given only for space we are able to resell. Artists who withdraw after May 1st without a reasonable cause will be placed on a one year blacklist.

Artists who need to pick up their work before 3:00 pm on Sunday are asked to inform Gallery Momiji staff before they check in.

Displaying Artists

For additional information regarding Gallery Momiji, or if your questions have still not been answered after consulting the Art Show/Gallery FAQ, please contact Justine Sobocan by e-mail at  [email protected].

Gallery FAQ

What is Gallery Momiji?
Gallery Momiji, formerly known as the Art Room, is the home of the Anime North Art Show. The Curator is Justine Sobocan.