Doll North

What is Doll North?

Doll North is a programming track within Anime North, focusing on all things dolls! While we tend to center on Ball Joint Dolls, we are slowly adding some fashion doll (like Monster High) programming and all doll types are welcome at all of our contests and workshops.

We welcome all collectors of all doll types, but remind you that Anime North is an artist friendly, recast free zone. 

A pass to Anime North is required to attend any and all Doll North programming and events. Doll Programming will primarily be within the TCC South and the Delta Hotel.


For this year Doll North will intend to have panels, workshops, at least one game show, multiple contests, a swap meet, our doll vendor market, a meet and greet/tea party, our photography backdrops, a mini doll-specific vendor area in Hall A, and more!


Costume Contest

This year’s theme will be Plants and Flowers. Show us how you’d interpret such an open theme with your mushroom fairies, your grass suits, your flower petal dresses and more! We STRONGLY suggest you pre-register to enter. We are accepting nearly all doll types (some size restrictions apply) so enter your BJD, your Barbies, your Monster High, action figures and More!

To read the rules and find the pre-registration information click here. Further questions about the Costume Contest can be directed to [email protected].

Photo Contest

The Doll North Photo contest is back! Do you like staging your dolls for photography? Set the scene, adjust the lighting, and go. Here’s your chance to win a cool prize for doing so! This year’s theme is Secret Garden.

Rules for Photo Contest:

  • Participants may enter ONE photograph only.
  • Photographs must be 8x10 mounted on a firm card or cardstock. No frames will be accepted.
  • Each entrant must have a valid Anime North badge, valid badges include General Day and Weekend Admissions, Exhibitor, and Dealer passes.
  • Awards will be granted for both Fan Favourite and Best Execution of Theme. Additional awards may be added during the convention.
  • Entrants are not required to be present during judging.
  • Entrants are required to drop off their photos for display in the Doll North Costume Contest area; the deadline is before noon on Sunday, but if you wish to have a chance in the fan favourite vote, ensure you drop your entry off by 11am Saturday!
  • All participants will be required to label their entry on the back of the card with their entry # and name.
  • Participants may not reuse photos previously entered in a Doll North competition or in any other judged competition, this includes but is not limited to conventions, online competitions, and company competitions.
  • Participants are encouraged to use minimal amounts of digital enhancements to the photo, the focus of the image should be your dolls with creative props, backdrops, costumes, locations etc. to depict the theme. This is a photography contest, not a photoshop contest.
  • Please ensure photos are PG in nature. Entries that are deemed explicitly gory or overtly sexual may be removed from the contest.
  • All dolls are valid for this contest, so long as they are not recasts or other illicit reproductions. Art Theft hurts.

Twinning Contest

The Doll North Twinning contest has returned. Have you ever tried to dress the same as one of your dolls? Submit a photograph of you and a doll in matching outfits for a chance to win! There is no theme for the Twinning contest, so feel free to dress yourself and your doll however you like, as long as you match as closely as possible.

Rules for Twinning Contest:

  • Participants are limited to one entry.
  • To Enter, either upload an image to Instagram with the tag #DNTWIN2025 or come to the Doll North contest display area and a staffer there will take your photo and upload it for you
  • The winner will be chosen by a small panel of volunteer judges.
  • Noon on Sunday is the absolute deadline for submitting your photos, but participants are encouraged to submit entries as soon as possible.
  • Entrants are not required to be present during judging.
  • Participants may not reuse photos previously entered in a Doll North competition or in any other judged competition, this includes but is not limited to conventions, online competitions, and company competitions.
  • Please ensure photos are PG in nature. Entries that are deemed explicitly gory or overtly sexual may be removed from the contest.
  • Please keep the use of image editing programs to a minimum.
  • All dolls are acceptable for entries, so long as they are not recasts or other illicit reproductions. Art Theft hurts everyone.

Project Runway

Bring a doll (any non-recast doll) and be prepared to create a whole new outfit for them with the mystery materials we supply! It’s chaotic and fun and always a great way to show off your creative skills. This is a low-stakes, all-ages event: just keep in mind the hot glue sometimes gets everywhere!


Doll North 2025

We will be having a Swap Meet and a Marketplace for doll vendors once more. The swap meet does not require any sort of advanced signups, but will require a $5 fee for table space. Table space will be divided and limited, so please do not plan to bring a marketplace worth of things to offload - if you have a large amount of items you are trying to rehome, consider buying a marketplace table instead.

Marketplace is expected to be Saturday morning to afternoon, and Swap is expected to be Friday, but may be shifted to later in the weekend, the schedule at this time is not confirmed.


The swap will run slightly differently this year, to keep things fair to everyone. Remember the swap is meant to feel a bit like a garage sale - if you have a lot of items or higher value items, consider becoming a Doll Marketplace Vendor instead.

  • No recast/bootleg items allowed. Art theft hurts everyone.
  • Only one person may take up one ‘spot’ at a table. Tables will be divided into equal parts so that everyone has a similar amount of space.
  • Table spaces are available on a first come first serve basis, and will cost a fee of $5. 
  • There is no fee to browse or swap with anyone who has a table space. We strongly encourage swapping overselling, but cash sales are allowed.
  • You are required to clean up after yourself before you leave. Failure to do so may result in a ban from future swap events.
  • If there is a disagreement regarding the fairness of a swap, either cancel the swap or engage a Staff Member.
  • When Staff advises that it is time to pack up, all swap activities are to cease.
  • Store extra items or totes under the tables to keep the floors clear to allow everyone to access your swap items.
  • No rude or discourteous behaviour will be tolerated towards Staff or fellow con attendees.
  • Staff are not responsible for any lost or damaged items. You are responsible for keeping an eye on your own swap space.
  • This is an all-ages event, please be mindful of this if bringing  18+ items.
  • Items suggesting illegal behaviour (ex: substance paraphernalia) are not permitted.
  • Have Fun and Happy Swapping!


We expect the marketplace to be Saturday early morning through the afternoon in the front of the TCC South building (Southerland rooms) once again, but this has not been finalized. Tables will be 2*6 and come with 2 chairs. Table coverings will not be available and we advise you to bring your own. Electrical hookups will not be available.

Each vendor is allowed 1 (ONE) table helper - helpers must be registered ahead of time via your application form. Vendors and helpers must possess a valid Anime North 2025 pass. (Staff and Single Day passes are acceptable)

If you are interested in a vendor table but are unsure about the timing, we suggest emailing us to secure your space as it is first come, first serve. You will be invoiced once we have the schedule confirmed, so if there is a conflict you will be able to relinquish your table to another on the waiting list.

Signups must use your legal name as written on your Government-Issued ID. You must have a valid email address and Government Photo ID for sign in purposes.



Payment of $50 CAD per table ($44.25 + 13%HST) must be within 1 week of receiving your invoice. No late or same-day Payments will be accepted

You may donate new or like new items as prizes for our contests in exchange for credit on your table. These donations must be approved in advance by the Doll North staff, and not all donations will be accepted.


Code of Conduct

  • Doll North Staff reserve the right to remove merchandise they deem unacceptable or prohibited. Staff may ask a vendor to leave if their conduct is deemed unacceptable as per Anime North policies. 
  • Anime North reserves the right to revoke an attendee badge for misconduct.
  • You must read and accept the Anime North Convention Policy as posted.

Merchandise allowed for sale in the Doll North Market Area.

The Doll North Market Area is designated for the sale of ball-jointed, vinyl, and fashion dolls and merchandise intended for use with said dolls such as doll clothing, wigs, shoes, eyes, artist’s materials, and doll related services (restringing, face-ups, photography). Recast dolls are expressly not allowed.

All 18+ materials must not be openly visible and ID is required to view these materials.

Items that are not related specifically to dolls (manga, cosplay, figures, etc) are not intended for this marketplace. If your table is not 80% doll related, you may be asked to leave the market and you will not be refunded your table cost.

If you wish to participate in Doll North’s Marketplace, email [email protected] with your preferred name, your legal name, and if you are a storefront or secondhand seller.

Looking for Updates?

Find us on Facebook and Instagram for the most current updates on our plans, guest announcements, and more!