The Nominoichi is Anime North's premiere fan run marketplace. For only a few hours on Friday night, tables will be set up, and Anime North attendees like you can go shopping for, or be there selling your, used anime items. The Nominoichi is like an anime garage sale without the garage, a flea market without the fleas, Tsukiji fish market without any fish!
The Nominoichi will be on Friday May 23rd, from 7:00pm to 11:00pm in Hall C at the Toronto Congress Center (TCC)

This is in the South TCC building opposite the Delta Hotel


As expected this time, a number of small and large changes were made for the Nominoichi XVIII. Please read this entire page carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

The Nominoichi is a fan run marketplace for the sale of used licensed anime merchandise, Although some non-anime items are allowed, the majority of items will be anime. We are never exactly sure what people are going to sell, so we encourage all sellers to post a list on the Anime North Forums. That'll also be the best place to find more information about the Nominoichi, including eventually maps of the interior layout, and if you have any questions or concerns about the Nominoichi it is the best place to get answers.

If you plan to attend this event please remember
  • Often the high temperature outside, combined with the number of people inside, will overwhelm the AC units and the Nominoichi can become uncomfortably hot. We recommend that you dress light, drink water, and be ready to sweat.
  • The Nominoichi is also very crowded early in the night. If you are not comfortable with tight crowds then we recommend that you start shopping later. The later you arrive, the fewer people there will be.
  • Everything sold at the Nominoichi, even items that are claimed to be new, should always be considered "used" and being sold "as-is". Please be aware and shop smart. Look carefully before you buy. Always talk to the sellers and ask questions first. Only buy something if you are sure it is what you think it is. 
  • However, you must not touch, unwrap, nor open any merchandise without first receiving permission from the seller. It's not your property until you pay for it!
  • While you are welcome to haggle and negotiate with sellers, this is optional and sellers are not obliged to entertain every offer. Sometimes the price listed or quoted will be the final price.
  • Some sellers may offer electronic payment options. Please be aware that some buyers have later discovered they were charged in $US rather than $CAD. We caution everyone to be sure of these payment details before you pay. Alternatively just pay in cash. You always know exactly how much you are paying in cash.
  • If you have found or lost anything at the Nominoichi please come see us at the staff tables
  • Finally, if you have any problems or issues with an item, seller, or anyone during the Nominoichi, please come see us at the staff tables right away. If you think a seller is not following the rules, even if you are not sure, please let us know at the staff tables. The only opportunity to correct a problem in the Nominoichi is at the Nominoichi.
If you wish to join us and go shopping, that's about all you’ll need to know and I look forward to seeing you at the Nominoichi. Otherwise, if you are interested in participating as a seller, you should get comfortable because we have a lot more information to cover.

Sellers Information:

What can I sell?

Sellers have the option to offer a great variety of items that are of common interest to the average Anime North attendee; including items that may not be "anime", but still fall within the sphere of Anime North fan culture. However, the Nominoichi remains primarily for the sale of licensed anime merchandise. This is defined as something that has been professionally mass produced and includes copyright information. Items under this category include DVD's, figures, manga, collectibles, etc. The Nominoichi also welcomes real doujinshi and classifies them as "anime merchandise". 

Also note that we only consider "anime" to be Japanese Anime. Other types of animated related merchandise, like Chinese or Korean or any other 'anime style' animation is welcome, but it's not counted as "anime" at the Nominoichi

These real anime items must account for at least 50%, or more, of your total items available for sale. Therefore, at least half of all of your merchandise must be official anime stuff, the remainder of all your other items (when combined) can not exceed 50%.

We call this "the 50-50" rule.

What other items are allowed?

Sellers may also offer official merchandise, or products, only from the following seven categories:
  • Fantasy: Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Hobbit, etc…
  • Games: Board, Card, RPG, Miniature, Video, etc…
  • Japanese Culture: Language study guides, Tea ceremony items, etc…
  • Japanese Music: J-pop, J-rock, J-Soul Brothers, AKB48, etc…
  • Other animated: Disney, Warner Brothers, etc…
  • SCI-FI: Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Gate, Doctor Who, etc…
  • Super Hero: Avengers, Batmen, X-men, etc…
Please note the items listed in each category are only examples. Only items that fall under one, or more, of these categories will be permitted. If you are unsure what category an item would fall under, or if it would even be permitted at all, please contact us before applying for a table.

Finally items that are intended for doll use,, (ABJDs, Pullips, and Blythes) are now welcome at the Nominoichi
What is not allowed?
Things that are not permitted to be sold at the Nominoichi include:
  • Counterfeit merchandise and bootlegs
  • Food and Drinks
  • Props and weapons with a metal blade
  • Makeup, contact lenses, lotions and creams.
Sellers are welcome to create their own bundles or sets by including several items in a CLEAR bag or an OPEN box, for sale as one unit. However, sellers are NOT permitted to create their own mystery bags, treasure boxes, or put together any number of unknown items in a package that can only be examined after it's been sold.

With the exception of game consoles, all other electronic goods, smartphones, tablets, laptops, keyboards, etc…. are NOT permitted at the Nominoichi.

All homemade arts and crafts, all fan comics and drawings, whether you made them or if you bought them from someone else are NOT permitted at the Nominoichi.

Finally, anything that would violate Anime North’s rules, policies, or regulations is also NOT permitted at the Nominoichi

Are you dividing the sellers into sections?

These sections allow sellers who want to specialize in selling a type of item to be easily found by buyers who are looking for those items. 

A few points to consider:

  • Sellers in any section are not limited in what they can or can't sell, (while following the global rules of the Nominoichi listed above). Therefore, sellers in the games section would still be allowed to sell Manga, DVDS, etc...

  • Likewise, sellers do NOT have to be in a specific section to sell something. (i.e. you can sell game items from any table in any section at the Nominoichi.)

  • There will still be a large part of the Nominoichi to remain for general goods, (a non-section)

  • Sellers will have to decide what section, if any, they would like to be in. We won't assign you anywhere. The default would be the general section

  • Sellers in groups of 2 or more tables will have to all be in or out of the same section. Every year some groups get this wrong and split themselves up, so make sure you’re not one of them.

Should you have further questions about what can, or can't, be sold; or you'd like more details about the sections please email [email protected] or visit us on the forums. 

Can I sell costumes?

You may sell costumes, props, and accessories. These items can be licensed or fan-made. They can be original, modified, or re-sold unaltered. All costume-related items (including clothing, wigs, and shoes) are welcome at the Nominoichi.Additionally fashion-type clothing is allowed at the Nominoichi. However, this is limited to exclusively Japanese fashion clothing and styles like: Visual Kei, Lolita, Gyaru, Mori Girl, Dolly Kei, Decora, Fairy Kei, and Otome. 

Who can reserve a table?

Only staff and attendees who will have regular membership badges (Friday, or Weekend) can reserve a table, or join a group of sellers. If you have any other type of badge you are welcome to come in as a buyer after 7:00pm. However, you are not allowed to participate as a seller and can not enter the room before we open. If you have any questions about this please contact us before you apply for a table.

What about selling in Groups?

If you want to reserve a whole table by yourself, you can. If you want to be in a group you can add one or two people to your sellers list, for a maximum of three people per whole table. If you don't have enough stuff for an entire table, and you don't wish to be in group, you can reserve a half table. Half tables are available for individual sellers only.
What about helpers? 
We do not allow any additional helpers, box carriers, or set-up assistants to accompany you into the room. If you want anyone to help, then you must include them as your second (or third) seller; even if they are not going to sell anything! If you need anyone to come into the room with you, for any reason, then you must include their name as a seller. Additionally, we will not have any staff members or volunteers, nor dollies, carts, or hand trucks available to assist you. Therefore, you and your group of sellers are wholly responsible for all the moving, set-up, and take down of your stuff. 

How much are tables?

One whole table = One, two, or three sellers = $50
One half table = One seller only = $30
This money is collected in cash on Friday at the Nominoichi.

How do I reserve a table?

We use a lottery system to assign tables. Once reservations open you should go to the site listed below and create an account to enter all your table application information. If you are a returning seller from last time please note that, in accordance with our privacy policy, all your data has been erased. You will also have to create a new account.

Table reservations will begin on Monday, March 31st, and end on Sunday, April 6th.

Apply here:

All applications received in this period will be entered into the table lottery. The Nominoichi is no longer first come first served. Anytime during this period you can register online and complete an application. After the deadline, the system will randomly choose from all applicants regardless of your application date, desired section, table type, and any next to requests.
Specifically we will need you to fill in: Your full name, email address, table type, and desired section. Only if you are requesting a full table then will you have the option to include a second or third seller with their names and emails. Additionally you may request to be "next to" up to three other tables by listing the email address used in their applications.
Finally you can enter information if you, or any seller at your table, is a ConAID Access Attendees. (wheelchair, walker, cane, etc...) This means if you or another seller at your table will be receiving an access sticker, then we would like to know how we can best accommodate you at the Nominoichi. This way, should you be selected to get a table, we can make arrangements that will help with your participation in the event. For example: if you are in a wheelchair and would prefer to be at the end of an aisle instead of the middle, or if you would prefer a table nearest to the toilets, these are the type of things we would like to know.

Please keep in mind that, like all the other parts of the application, including this information will not have any effect on the selection process.
There are also number of important points to keep in mind when applying for a table:
  • Only complete the application process if you want a table. If you plan to be someone else's second or third seller, you do not apply for a table, they do.
  • If you are a second, or third seller, please ensure that you are only listed on ONE table application.
  • Only sellers who have a full table can add a second or third seller (this is optional)
  • Only sellers who have a full table can request to be next to another full table. There are a few specific conditions to this:
    • You can ask to join your table with up to three others, forming a group of 4 tables.
    • You must include the email address used in all the others seller's applications as your next to request.
    • All sellers in the group must include all email address of every table in the group!
    • All sellers must request tables in the same section.
    • Making this request will have no effect on your chance to get a table in the lottery. Therefore, it is possible that not all members of your group will get a table. If so, we will still try to keep as many of you together as we can.
Finally any seller who receives and then cancels their table will NOT be permitted to participate at another table. Should you and your friends plan to apply separately then cancel and join up later, we will honour your cancel request, but you will not be allowed to join another table. 
By completing the application process you will receive an application ID number. Write it down and don’t forget your application ID number. The Lottery results will be posted on the forums about a week after reservations close. Please note that we do NOT email people the results. YOU must check the forums. to see if you got a table or not.

Although we expect and hope things will run smoothly, if this all goes a a little (or catastrophically) wrong for you or for us, then we may need to improvise a bit. Please keep an eye here, and on the forums, to ensure you are aware of any last second changes, and please let us know if you experience any problems. 

Sellers FAQ:

Are the Tables round?
No. They are six feet long by two feet wide. (6' x 2')
Should you have any other questions, comments, problems, or concerns please post a message on the forums, or contact us at [email protected].

... and thanks for your continuing interest and support of the Nominoichi XVIII.