Anime North 2025 Admission Information
Registration Prices
Pre-Registration Prices (Apply Until May 21, 2025)
Registration Prices
Please note that Cash Only is accepted At the Door
Children 6 to 13 years of age are admitted for half of the corresponding Adult admission price. Children aged 5 and under are admitted free. Children must be accompanied by an adult 18 years old or over at all times at the con.
Please note that there will a processing fee of approximately 6.5% charged by Eventbrite for each admission or item purchased (i.e. for a $70 Weekend admission, add a $4.49 processing fee. All processing fees are listed on the Eventbrite order webpage.) Attendees who do not wish to pay this fee can purchase their admissions through the regular mail
Badge Mailout
The Badge Mailout allows attendees to choose to have their convention badges (with lanyards) to be mailed out to them before the con, allowing them to skip the lineups, and enter the con directly.
To take advantage of the Mailout, just select the appropriate Badge Mailout fee ($15 for 1-10 badges and $25 for 11+ badges) when you purchase your Anime North 2025 admissions, and provide the requested mailing information.
Deadline for requesting the Badge Mailout is April 18, 2025. This is also the deadline for requesting a refund of an order using the Badge Mailout.
- Badges and lanyards will be shipped by Canada Post regular mail. It is the purchaser's responsibility to provide a full, valid, mailing address, including postal code and apartment number (if any).
- Only the badges in the order that includes the Badge Mailout Fee will be mailed out. If you purchase additional Anime North badges later, they will NOT be automatically added to your existing Mailout.
- Badges and lanyards will be mailed out approx. 3 weeks before the convention. Purchasers will be notified by email when they are shipped. Once mailed, they can not longer be picked up at the Registration Desk.
- Deadline for asking for refunds of badges to be mailed out is April 18, 2025. After that date, they are non-refundable.
- If the badges are returned to Anime North due to an incorrect address, the purchaser will be allowed to pick them up at the Registration Desk. Anime North will not refund the mailing fee.
- Any TTC (Subway/Bus) passes purchased in the order will also be mailed out with the badges. Pre-ordered T-Shirts or Lapel Pins will still be picked up at the Merchandise Desk at the con.
How to Buy Admission
Ways to Buy
Purchasing by Regular Mail
At The Door
Registration Hours and Location
Registration Desk at Convention

Registration Desk staff will be on hand to sell Anime North admissions, check the confirmation forms of Anime North admissions sold online and hand out convention badges to attendees. Registration desk hours are as shown below. Please note that Admissions to Anime North 2025 will NOT be sold on Thursday; only attendees who have pre-ordered their admissions can check in this evening.
Note that you can pickup your badge before events start on all days of the convention
Day | Registration Hours | Convention Hours |
Thursday (PreReg Pickup Only) | 5pm - 9PM | |
Friday | 2PM - 9PM | 5PM - 1AM |
Saturday | 9AM - 7PM | 10AM - 1AM |
Sunday | 9:30AM - 3PM | 10AM - 5PM |
Convention Badges
All attendees of Anime North are required to wear an Anime North convention badge at the con, as proof that you have purchased an admission and are entitled to attend all the convention's functions. Badges are obtained at the Registration Desk. If you have pre-registered for the convention, you can present your confirmation form from Eventbrite to pick up your badge at the Pre-Registration section of the Registration Desk. You can also purchase Anime North admissions directly at the Registration Desk and receive your badge. Attendees are required to print their full names on the badges, and show them to security upon request.
Warning: Legitimate Anime North admissions are only available for purchase through Anime North, and we will not take any responsibility for admissions purchased through third parties, such as Kijiji. Anime North employs anti-counterfeiting measures for our badges and fake badges will be confiscated by Security, and their wearers required to leave the convention.
Group Admissions
Anime North Group discounts will only be offered in special cases (established anime clubs, school anime groups, special trips by social/educational organizations, etc.) and must be arranged by contacting Anime North Registration directly at [email protected]. To be eligible, Group leaders should submit a letter on School letterhead from their Faculty advisor or other school official confirming that they are an official school organization. The letter must include the full name and email contact of the Group leader who will handling the Group Admission purchase. We do not guarantee a request for a group discount will be accepted.Merchandise & Special Event Tickets
Anime North Merchandise
Various Anime North merchandise can be purchased ahead of time through Pre-Registration. Simply note how many items you wish to purchase on the online/registration form and include payment along with admission fees.
Merchandise ordered through Pre-Registration will be available for pickup at the Merchandise Desk at the convention; they will not be available beforehand. Please be sure to bring your Merchandise confirmation form submitted by Eventbrite. Desk Staff will also have a list of names of everyone who has pre-purchased items as backup.
Merchandise items will also be on sale at the Merchandise Desk throughout the convention.
Registration FAQ
If you have pre-registered and cannot attend Anime North 2025, please contact Anime North Registration at [email protected] by May 9, 2025 to arrange for a refund. Note: if you have selected the Badge Mailout to have your badges mailed to you, the refund deadline is April 18, 2025.
A $10 processing fee will be charged for all refund requests.
Unused Anime North 2025 admissions will not be refunded after the convention.
Include the full name and email (if available) of the attendee, and a copy of the Anime North confirmation form from Eventbrite.
Refunds can take the following forms:
- The admission fee can be returned to you, A $10 refund processing fee will be charged.
- If you registered by mail, a cheque will be mailed back to the requester. This would take 4-6 weeks. Please include a mailing address and the name the cheque should be made out to with your refund request.
- If you registered online, the refund will be sent back to your credit card through Eventbrite
- The admission can be transferred to another person. Contact [email protected] with the full name of the existing Anime North attendee (and attach his/her Eventbrite confirmation form) and the full name and email of the person it should be transferred to. We will reassign the admission and email out a new confirmation.
- The admission can be rolled over to next year's convention.