Pro Plaza/Professional Artists
Proplaza is for Professional Illustrative Artists, Crafters, and/or Artisans who feature and represent only their own intellectual property and copyrights. Media types are open but FanArt or Fan Crafts or any works infringing on another's copyrighted and/or Intellectual Property (including elements within your original works) cannot be sold in this section.
For additional information please check check out the Pro Plaza channel on the official Anime North Discord or email us directly
Please read the following carefully, as several major changes have been made to the Pro Plaza policy effective immediately.
Pro Plaza Artists must be of professional level, meaning that:
- The Artist must represent his/her body of work as a professional in a given artistic field;
- The Artist’s merchandise must be original content and must not include any fan works, or the intellectual property of other artists, including any and all work featuring both original and non-original characters;
- The Artist must be at least 18 years of age by January 1st, 2025, as per Ontario regulations.
Please note that tables cannot be filled by individuals whose names are not registered to the Pro Plaza, including non-registered helpers.
As of Anime North 2022 having unauthorized/unregistered people behind your table, allowing unauthorized/unregistered people into the building before the building is open to the general public, and/or allowing unauthorized/unregistered people to enter the building through artist entrances will result in the immediate termination of your contract and forfeiture of your table.
Registration and Payment
If you receive an invitation to the Pro Plaza 2025, you will also receive a registration package and information on how to submit payment from the Pro Plaza team.
Applications for the Pro Plaza will open at 10:00 am EST Saturday December 14, 2024 and close at 10:00 am EST Sunday December 15, 2024. Please be sure not to submit multiple applications; please reach out if you have not heard about your application from the Pro Plaza Team by 10:00 pm EST Friday December 20, 2024.
Please Note: this form may be open before the above stated times both to prevent traffic related crashes and as we make updates. No applications submitted to the form before the above stated time will be accepted, so make sure you are not submitting until after the stated time
Applications must:
- Be submitted through the form above in the stated time frame
- Include your full legal name and contact information; you may include your artist/shop name if you wish for programming purposes; please note that as we are a professional artist section that if no shop or artist name is included your legal name will be used for programming purpose
- Include a full and detailed merchandise list; please note you will only be able to sell merchandise on your approved list
- Two (2) signed samples of your work; this can include photos of your crafts, a scanned page from your original manga, or art signed with a stylus
- mages must contain your written signature (pictures signed with a stylus or a signed note in the photo are acceptable); typed signatures and watermarks will not be considere
- Your helper(s) full legal name and contact information
- If you have any, seating requests to be considered by Pro Plaza Staff; this includes considerations for medical purposes and table mate requests ONLY. At this time Pro Plaza does not take seating requests that fall outside of these categories
- A categorization of your media; if you feel that these categories do not represent your media choices or if you are unsure what the category should be for your merchandise, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We have listed some suggestions for what the categories might include below, but please choose the one that you think is right for you.
As of Anime North 2025 you may choose:
- Paper Media (Drawing, Paper crafts, Self / Traditionally Published books or manga, etc)
- Costume/Clothing (Wearable art, Clothes printing, Cosplay)
- Jewelry (Chainmail, Fine Jewelry production)
- Plush (Plush Animals, Pillows)
- Accessories (Products are mostly charms or Keychains)
- Artisanal (Pottery, Sculpture, Wire work)
Between 70-80% of your products should match your categorization; if you mark yourself as Costuming but most of your merchandise list is paper products, you will be moved to the Paper Media Category
There is a no tolerance policy on incomplete, early, or multiple applications: if you are missing anything required for submission of your application it will not be considered. Please email us immediately at [email protected] if you have concerns
If you identify yourself as a Trans* (transgender, intersex, genderqueer, or otherwise) artist with legal name concerns (ie your name on your ID does not match your current name), please make us aware at the same time that you send in your application so that the necessary action can be taken. If you are such an artist, please know that this policy has been included to make your attendance of Anime North as comfortable for you as possible, and none of your information will be shared, published, or misused.
Selection Process
Please note that we are continuing to streamline our process for the fairest result possible for our artists. For Pro Plaza 2025 we will be reserving a certain number of spots for each category; we will also be returning to a semi-juried, semi-first come first serve selection process to ensure a maximum variety of products, consideration for new artists and fair distribution of categories.
Our purpose in this is to not include only Paper Media should they be the first to enter their applications, but to make sure other media gets a chance too. Should you have concerns about this process, please reach out at [email protected].
Table Information
An Artist applying to the Pro Plaza may not hold a waitlist spot, or table spot in The Artist Alley OR The Dealer’s Room. Additionally, an artist who accepts a table or waitlist spot within the Pro Plaza will not be able to move into another section at a later date, including to become a Secondary Artist or Helper without removing themselves first. Please note that applications will be considered in the order they are received; this means that if you have applied to the Pro Plaza and then apply to the Artist Alley only your Pro Plaza application will be considered
Pro Plaza tables will support a maximum of one (1) artist and up to two (2) helpers per table. Pro Plaza tables do not support Secondary Artists.
As of Anime North 2024, Art Groups/Duos will be allowed to apply to Pro Plaza on a limited basis (see below for details).
As of Anime North 2022 Pro Plaza spaces will have the option of not containing a table and will be a pipe-and-drape setup with a 10’ x 6’ square footage space and a complimentary 2’ x 8’ table.
Pro Plaza Spaces include a maximum of three (3) chairs and up to three (3) Non-transferrable Exhibitor badges. Should you decline to have a table in your space, there will be a deadline to do so included in your invitation email.
Please note: badges must be worn and visible at all times even if the individual is cosplaying, and belong to the individual wearing it. Failure to display your badge properly can result in your removal from the section.
- Table with a convention badge costs: $452 CAD ( Base cost $400 + 13%HST)
Sign-in: Friday, May 23, 2025 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Please advise the Pro Plaza Coordinator if you are unable to arrive during this time. No-shows by 11:00 AM EST on Saturday will have their tables reassigned.
Tables may ONLY be set up by the primary artist and his/her/their helper(s). You may not bring in non-artists (i.e. anyone without an artist badge and ribbon) to help you set up. If additional help is needed, volunteers designated by the Pro Plaza Staff will be available during setup.
Open access to convention attendees (times are subject to change):
- Friday, May 23, 2025: 5:00 PM — 10:00 PM EST
- Saturday, May 24, 2025: 10:00 AM — 8:00 PM EST
- Sunday, May 25, 2025: 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM EST
Sign-in information will be supplied to the artist participants in their application package. Please review it carefully once you receive it.
On Sunday you will have a MAXIMUM of one hour after closing to tear down your displays and vacate the premises. If you are present after this time frame, you risk the ability to apply to any position in the Exhibitors area in the future.
Please note that Exhibitors sections of Anime North no longer accept Ontario Health Cards as identification. The Ontario Photo Card is an acceptable ID.
Artist Helper
Individuals in the Pro Plaza may register a maximum of two (2) helpers to their table for an additional badge/registration fee. Helpers may not represent or sell their own body of work or merchandise and are there for the purpose of assisting with the sales of the one (1) artist registered and permitted to sell at the table.
- Helper badge costs: $70 CAD
- Additional Helper badge (maximum of one): $70 CAD
Please note that your helper(s) must also submit a registration package; details for this will be included should you receive an invitation to the Pro Plaza.
You will not be able to register a helper after the cut off date, so please keep this in mind when planning your application.The cut off date for Helper registration will be sent to you after your acceptance to the section.
As of Anime North 2024 tablecloths will no longer be available to rent in the Pro Plaza. A limited number of tablecloths will be available for purchase for $5, on a first come first serve basis. You will be responsible for the tablecloth after you purchase it, and it will be considered littering if you abandon it Sunday without proper disposal. Littering of your table area can impair your ability to apply to Exhibitors sections in the future.Art Groups
As of Anime North 2024 the Pro Plaza will allow up to three (3) Art Groups/Duos to attend. An Art Group is defined as a set of artists representing their own intellectual property, with no non-original or AI generated art involved. A maximum of two (2) members of the group may be present on pre-registered Art Group tables; no exceptions will be made for additional helpers so keep this in mind. Collaboration release forms will be required for all members not present at the convention.
You must pre-register your Art Group/Duo status; a section will be provided in the application form to do so. Only one (1) application will be permitted per group; multiple applications will not be considered. Should your group be found to have submitted multiple applications, all applications will be removed from consideration.
Please note that the Pro Plaza Coordinator reserves the right to review your status as an Art Group and decline your application if it is felt that you are misrepresenting yourself.
Terms and Conditions
Each artist who wishes to apply to the Pro Plaza must:
- Represent their own body of work and not act as a proxy or representative for another artist. Presenting or using someone else's work is an act of fraud and will result in the immediate forfeiture of your table and the denial of future applications to the artist areas.
- Not represent characters, logos, names, or otherwise that are not their own original creations and/or represent someone else’s copyright and/or intellectual property, including works with a mix of original and non-original IP.
- Possess signed release forms from any and all contributing artists (please note: if your work is not representative of 60% of the finished product you may not sell it in the Pro Plaza. All items for sale are ultimately at the discretion of the Pro Plaza Coordinator)
- If you are selling an item whose contributing artist is also registered to the Pro Plaza please note that the item may only be available for sale in one (1) Pro Plaza space
- If you have work including contributions from other artists please request a collab form and bring the signed copy with you to sign in
- If you are registered as an Art Group you must possess signed collab forms from all members in order to sell your shared works at the convention
- Be 18 years of age by January 1, 2025 and in possession of a Government-Issued Photo ID (e.g. driver’s license, passport, etc.) on May 23, 2025 proving as such for the sign-in process. Please be aware that using false identification or lending your ID to someone else during sign-in is an act of fraud (please see Term 1 on this list)
- If you have concerns about your ID please contact the Pro Plaza Coordinator immediately
- Not sell prohibited merchandise in the Pro Plaza; Please note that this includes off site presale of any and all merchandise prohibited in the Pro Plaza
Pro Plaza Policies & Rules
- Artists may sell and create their art and merchandise in the Pro Plaza, and all media types are permitted.
- Please see below for definition and guidelines for selling of artwork with “adult content”.
As of Anime North 2025
- Perler beads may be sold in Exhibitors sections, but must not comprise more than 20% of your total inventory/items available for sale
- If you are a beader, you must be the primary producer of your products; what this means is we will be limiting the use of mass produced charms in crafting media
- You may continue to sell your own, hand-made beaded creations but may be asked for production/progress notes or pictures
- 3D printed crafts 3D printed crafts will be temporarily barred from sale in the Pro Plaza while we educate ourselves and come to an agreement on the fairest way to host 3D printer artists in the future
- Candles may be sold in Exhibitors sections provided they are hand poured and unscented
Merchandise Prohibited from Sale
- Fan works are prohibited in the Pro Plaza. You will be asked to remove any and all items which fall into this category
- Replicas of existing artwork and merchandise such as official artwork from other licensed creations or artwork depicting trademarks or copyrighted logos are not allowed and considered copyright infringement. These actions are prosecutable by law
- “Original works” containing characters that are not yours, or containing elements of intellectual property, or trademarks that are not yours will also be considered fan works and will not be allowed for sale
- Parody works are also considered fanworks and will not be allowed
- Text heavy images on buttons, bookmarks, or stickers are allowed only if they are intended for the promotion of the artist’s own original works
- Solicitation buttons such as “Will Yuri for Yaoi” and “Free Hugs” are not permitted for sale in the Pro Plaza
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) or machine generated artworks (art created with AI or similar machine learning) are not permitted for sale in the Pro Plaza
- Photography prints and photo-manipulations are not allowed for display and/or sale. Photographers may look into Anime North’s Photography Alley - [email protected];
- The resale of food, used goods, or retail items (such as pocky, art books, or doujinshi made by non-registered artists) is not allowed. If you wish to sell the aforementioned, you must purchase a Dealer’s Table. Please note that you may be fined by the TCC if you are caught selling food outside of the Dealers Room;
- The sale of sexual paraphernalia of ANY sort is prohibited in the Pro Plaza.
- The sale of contact lenses is prohibited in the Pro Plaza, as well as any area of the Exhibitors.
- Proxy selling of artwork or merchandise made by other artists is prohibited in the Pro Plaza and all other Exhibitors sections; If you wish to sell your work through a representative, please refer to Anime North’s Gallery Momiji for more information.
- If you are selling a collaborative work including intellectual property from another artist you must be in possession of a signed collaboration form which can be obtained by emailing us at [email protected]
- If you are part of an art group/duo looking to sell work in which a non-attending collaborator is included, you may also request a collaboration form from [email protected] (see art duo/group application guidelines above)
In case of doubt, please contact the Pro Plaza Coordinator for approval of your product(s).
Collaborative Works
Collaborative works will be allowed or denied on a case-by-case basis, but your work should represent at least 60% of the final product. Please email the Pro Plaza Coordinator with the details concerning your collaboration before March 31, 2023.
If you do not make prior arrangements, you will not be allowed to sell your collaborative works. No exceptions.
Please note that if you have a collaborative work with another artist present in the Pro Plaza, only one of you may have it for sale on your table at a time.
Pre Order Sales of Merchandise
The Pro Plaza allows transactions of preorder sales so long as they remain to be print or crafted items created by the artist registered to the table. Pre order and display of items prohibited for sale in the Pro Plaza (such as fanworks) is not allowed. Such transactions must be arranged outside the convention.
Holding raffles at the Pro Plaza is prohibited.
Stamp Rallies
Stamp rallies are not endorsed or offered by Anime North or the Pro Plaza. Any participation in stamp rallies are at the personal risk of the host(s) and participant(s). Any stamp rallies run in the Pro Plaza must also not break any Anime North or Pro Plaza rules, or any Municipal, Provincial or Federal laws including Ontario gambling laws.
Artists may set up their reserved space as they see fit as long as it is safe, stable, does not interfere with other artists’ spaces, and/or violate any Anime North nor Toronto Congress Centre regulations.
Displays must:
- Be limited to the reserved space/area provided by the convention
- Not overhang into other Artists' tables, doorways, corridors, safety exits or any other area outside the reserved space
- Not be taller than 10 feet from the ground, including the table height. As of Anime North 2024 you may also include displays behind your table, as long as they do not encroach on neighbors space, block exits out of the booth area, and are on the floor and able to stand under their own power
- Not include any “gambling” elements for marketing; this includes but is not limited to game wheels, slot machines, or similar random chance programs run on personal computers
- Not include any type of balloons; Balloons are not permitted inside the venue and may not be used for displays. You will be asked to remove these from the premises immediately, and pay for any fines issued by the venue.
- Not involve drilling holes, driving nails, hooks, screws or tacks, or making any alterations to any part of the Centre or its equipment
- Not depend on signage in common areas; signage includes but is not limited to: directional signage, promotional signage, backdrops for the space being used, etc. Should you wish to pay for advertising opportunities, speak to the Director of Anime North.
In general wall/glass surfaces are not to have anything attached to them by tacks, pins, tape (or by any other means).
If your display falls or harms another participant or attendee, you will be asked to take the display down immediately. If your display is deemed unstable, dangerous, or is not supporting its own weight you will be asked to take it down.
Display of Adult Material
Exhibitors may NOT display material depicting nudity or sexual conduct unless it is covered or displayed in such a way that minors cannot view explicit material. Adult material must not be accessible to minors in any way. No adult material may be sold, given, or distributed to a minor. The acceptability of displays of adult material is at the sole discretion of the Pro Plaza Coordinator. Display content (such as images and signage) must not be derogatory in nature (i.e. racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive to the general public).
This rule applies to all artwork on display at your table. Thus, you may NOT display any commission work that violates the above restrictions.
Approval of Adult Material
If you are selling any work in this category, you are required to bring a display copy of your work, as well as a copy to be added to your file to the Exhibitor Staff table where your work will be stamped with an 18+ or PG13 rating.
- If your work received an 18+ rating (fully see-through clothing, partial or full nudity, overtly sexual positions or situations), it cannot be openly displayed on the table or be within the reach of minors. Such works can only be viewed by individuals over the age of 18 upon presentation of a valid photo ID. Please note that showing and/or selling items which contain adult content to minors is punishable by law.
- If your work received a PG13 rating (tight, semi-see through or revealing clothing, suggestive positions or situations), you may openly display it on your table.
The stamp allows security and convention attendees to know that your work has been approved for display by the Pro Plaza Coordinator. Please make use of this procedure to avoid problems during the convention as failing to do so may result in the loss of your table.
All participants are expected to respect and abide by both the Anime North Convention Policies and the Pro Plaza Policy and Contract Agreement for 2025. Anime North convention policies can be accessed through the Information tab on Failure to abide by these policies will result in immediate loss of any Pro Plaza privileges, loss of membership, and expulsion from the convention. If you have any concerns during the convention, please bring them to the attention of the Pro Plaza Coordinator and/or Exhibitor Staff.Please note that Anime North reserves the right to revoke or deny the application of individuals with records of serious offenses in any of our artist areas from previous years.
Behavior not acceptable in the Pro Plaza includes but is not limited to:
- Selling or subletting the use of the rented table to another individual;
- Selling your artist admission to another individual;
- Lending your artist or helper admission badge to another individual
- Taking chairs from other artists or areas;
- Allowing someone not registered to the Pro Plaza to sell at your table;
- Breach of any of the con policies including but not limited to those governing fire exit, maximum capacities, harassment, PDA, and damages to convention reputation, other attendees, staff and volunteers, or facilities;
- Applying for or signing in for a Pro Plaza space under a name not your own;
- Posing as a registered artist by use of their identification with or without permission. This is a case of fraud and/or theft, and is punishable by law;
- Offensive emails to Anime North Staff members, mass trolling (continuous posts of offensive messages) directed to Anime North Staff members in electronic forums.
Please respect your peers, your audience, your space, and our staff and volunteers. Help us make sure that you have a smooth Anime North experience.
Reservations for Pro Plaza tables are allocated at the sole discretion of the Anime North Pro Plaza Team. Anime North is in no way obligated to provide tables to any person, persons, or group, and reserves the right to decline applications from any person, persons, or group which have violated the Code of Conduct specified above.
All complaints, conflicts, or discrepancies concerning the Pro Plaza Staff and/or another Artist should be directed to and only to the Pro Plaza Coordinator.
Liability and Responsibility
Exhibitors are responsible for reading the information stated here in full, and for making sure they understand it before they apply. Anime North, Exhibitors and Pro Plaza staff and volunteers are in no way responsible for your failure to read these stated policies.
Exhibitors are responsible for their own property, merchandise, and money. Under no circumstances will either Anime North or its agents be liable for loss or damages including but not limited to merchandise, equipment, sales, or revenue. The Toronto Congress Centre will be locked at the end of every night; however it is the responsibility of the artists/exhibitors to look after and ensure safe storage of their personal property.
Neither Anime North, nor its agents, nor its partners are in any way responsible for injury caused by chairs, ladders, tables, stairs, or personal negligence. Exhibitors understand that they are responsible for their own safety and agree to release Anime North from any and all liability concerning lost goods and monies, or injuries by agreeing to participate as an artist or helper in the Pro Plaza.
Please be aware, thefts at North American Cons has seen an increase in the last few years. Keep your valuables close to you at all times and if you see something concerning alert Staff immediately. Do not approach individuals on your own, alert staff and/or Public Safety
Refund Policy
As of Anime North 2018 the Pro Plaza will no longer be offering refunds on canceled tables, artist, or helper badges. If you have any questions regarding this section please contact the Pro Plaza Coordinator at [email protected]
If you have a COVID-19 concern please contact us at the above email.
Because the Pro Plaza features all types of professional artists, we like to give everyone a chance to have their particular media featured. In order to have the most variety we ask you to identify as whatever 70-80% of your products are; this means that there is room for things other than paper media!