Table Top/Board Games/CCG Games

Calling all lovers of collectible card games, board games, and miniature table top games! Check out what Anime North has in store for this year!

Classic Board Games



Learn and play riichi mahjong, the exciting game featured in Akagi, Saki and other anime!

Presented by the Toronto Riichi Club

Friday 7 PM - 10 PM
Saturday 11 AM - 9 PM
Sunday 10 AM - 4 PM
Learn to Play Go

Learn to Play Go

Go is an ancient game of skill and strategy for all ages. Everyone is welcome to visit the Go tables at the TCC North Building, Gaming Hall I, to learn and play with the Toronto Go Club.

Friday 6 PM – 10 PM
Saturday 10 AM – 8 PM
Sunday 10 AM – 4 PM

Table Top Gaming

Carta Magica

Carta Magica

Carta Magica is back again with a full weekend of entertainment! From casual events to competitive events, we've got your back! Come on down and Pull up a Chair and Play.



LVLUP GAMES is a board game store and cafe based in Mississauga. We love hosting gaming events for our community and helping people discover their next favourite board game! We'll be hosting a Catan Championship Tournament this year at Anime North! We'll also be bringing a number of games for sale inspired by popular anime, video games, comics, and other pop culture franchises, along with some other geeky swag.
Steve Jackson Games

Steve Jackson Games

SJ Games' MIB squad is at Anime North 2024! Your source for official promo cards and bookmarks.


WoodForSheep is your convention source for tabletop gaming!
Our tabletop gaming library is available for all attendees to sit and try.
Dungeons & Dragons sessions will be running throughout - check our booth for availability and sign-up.